Friday, January 8, 2010

Almost at my Whits End!

So, I'm at work right now and I am realizing how much I DON'T want to be in TV anymore! But, it was rather disheartening to find only 21 radio jobs that are for certain hiring across the nation. My sister Lindsey has a friend that basically gave me her account. With it I get access to My feelings were kind of hurt by the lack of jobs availability.

I have spent a couple of days thinking about what I have been doing with my life. It is an unfortunate fact of reality that sometimes we are forced to change from whatever course we happen to be on and think is right. I might be at one of those moments right now. My current income is not enough to stay with and the job I had hoped to make a career out of simply doesn't seem to be there right now. It might come back, when the idiots are not running things and the economy turns back around (like that will ever happen). But in the meantime I need a better job, because this one is not going to fill all my needs.

I still have hope. I spent 80,000 dollars to get this degree and these qualifications and dagnabit! I want to do this for my life! I had sent a request to a station in Fresno requesting an application, it arrived today. It had a post-it note stuck to it asking me to send a resume as well. Does this mean they might be hiring? Might they be looking to fill a full-time position? I mean, if you're not then why take the time to write out a sticky note? I wouldn't. If I weren't hiring but had to send an application to someone I would just send the application. But if I really needed someone then I might take it more seriously. So yeah, maybe a job can come out of this. I didn't have time to fill it out or anything before work, I'll just do it tomorrow. I know, I'll be back in Fresno. Which would only mean that I would be spending all my time trying to get back to Phoenix. I already did this dance once, but hey, maybe I'm supposed to be in Fresno or something. L.A. didn't work out, neither did Pocatello. Lindsey got me looking for a job in Vermont then she started talking to University of Minnesota. So, not really taking Vermont seriously anymore...

Anyway, I'm not sure what to do with myself right now. These TV people are starting to scare me.


Unknown said...

I don't know if I'll be going to Minnesota yet. But if you do get a job in Fresno, then maybe don't spend all your time trying to get back to Phoenix, take everything one step at a time. I'm praying for you all the time. I know the right thing will come.

Docface said...

Renny is right. You just graduated last month, so don't give up yet! Plus, the holidays were in the way. A lot of things have fallen into place for you in the past to get you to this point in your life. Be patient and remember that you have all of us rooting for you and praying for you and offering support. You still have options and ideas, good ideas. I know that you will succeed!

DizzyMissLizzy said...

Don't give up! I know..its cliche..but think about it..we just graduated into this crap economy into a suffering industry..its going to get better. I totally had my moments going through Cronkite where I would panic thinking what am I DOING here!? (Usually it was during guest speakers that told us about the super exciting markets we'd experience..such as..Billings, Montana! Mostly, though I think it was the fact that they said to expect to make less money than I make at my part time job now. Great.) The thing are never stuck. You should be proud you just got a degree from one of the best journalism schools in the country. You might not land your dream job right now..but you will NEVER land it if you don't keep trying, and isn't your dream worth the fight? Hope that helps =)