Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Raising $1000

Well, things haven't gone so well for my new endeavor. The guitar I listed on e-bay didn't sell. I have it re-listed, but I don't know if I expect it to do any better. I finally was able to activate my Paypal account though. I had trouble logging into my bank account so I couldn't get the info that Paypal wanted. I fixed it. Maybe that will make things work better?

I also received a notice from Chase. If I open a new checking account they will give me $100. It isn't a new offer from them, but I think I'm going to do it. A free $100 just to have a checking account that gets direct deposit and costs nothing. Maybe it even draws interest, I dunno. I'm gonna go later today and check on it. I intend to start an account with them and get a free $100.

As for my becoming an investor, I purchased a book to help me with this. Investing Online for Dummies. The Dummies books have recently helped me to get through some simple things that I'm not ashamed to say I was a complete Dummy about (One of which being caring for a rabbit). I will read this book and continue trying to raise my $1000 of start-up money required by most online investment firms. No doubt the $100 from Chase will help toward this!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Paying off debts...

Yech, I know, that title makes your heart fold up and cower in your chest cavity. But we all have them and we all have to get rid of them. I'm going to take this blog in a new direction. I'm going to cover how I make extra money to pay off my student loans and a little bit of Credit Card debt that I have lately. :(

My first point of attack is to work a good job. I have one now, albeit only part-time. And it pays pretty well. Next week I am being tested for a sort of promotion. Not really as I would be going from the bottom of one barrel to the bottom of another barrel, but at least as an AP I will be full-time, so it's technically a step up. This will be plenty to cover my credit card bill, but my loan payments are going to be over a thousand dollars when they kick in come June. So I need to find more income. If I could get a job making 30k then I would be able to survive, not put anything away for later, but survive.

My second point is supplemental income. I have learned skills from my journalism school that make me kind of valuable in the private market. I can edit video, photos, and audio. And I do a pretty good job if I may toot my own horn. An album I produced just went live on iTunes today. Already we have seen the sale of two songs in a digital format. It ain't much but it's something! I also plan to rent out my PA system for whomever needs one...

I have stuff to sell, anyone want to buy a guitar? But after my things are gone, then what? I could win big in Las Vegas (I hate it when people just say "Vegas", it's like, "hey man! You really aren't that cool!")! But gambling makes more people poor than it makes them rich.

I'm going to *gasp* become an investor. I can get together about a thousand dollars selling my stuff on ebay, then I can take that money and use it to start my investment account. I am going to research some investing firms and choose which one I want to go with. I will make this the new focus of my blog. Follow along, and practice with me!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Almost at my Whits End!

So, I'm at work right now and I am realizing how much I DON'T want to be in TV anymore! But, it was rather disheartening to find only 21 radio jobs that are for certain hiring across the nation. My sister Lindsey has a friend that basically gave me her account. With it I get access to My feelings were kind of hurt by the lack of jobs availability.

I have spent a couple of days thinking about what I have been doing with my life. It is an unfortunate fact of reality that sometimes we are forced to change from whatever course we happen to be on and think is right. I might be at one of those moments right now. My current income is not enough to stay with and the job I had hoped to make a career out of simply doesn't seem to be there right now. It might come back, when the idiots are not running things and the economy turns back around (like that will ever happen). But in the meantime I need a better job, because this one is not going to fill all my needs.

I still have hope. I spent 80,000 dollars to get this degree and these qualifications and dagnabit! I want to do this for my life! I had sent a request to a station in Fresno requesting an application, it arrived today. It had a post-it note stuck to it asking me to send a resume as well. Does this mean they might be hiring? Might they be looking to fill a full-time position? I mean, if you're not then why take the time to write out a sticky note? I wouldn't. If I weren't hiring but had to send an application to someone I would just send the application. But if I really needed someone then I might take it more seriously. So yeah, maybe a job can come out of this. I didn't have time to fill it out or anything before work, I'll just do it tomorrow. I know, I'll be back in Fresno. Which would only mean that I would be spending all my time trying to get back to Phoenix. I already did this dance once, but hey, maybe I'm supposed to be in Fresno or something. L.A. didn't work out, neither did Pocatello. Lindsey got me looking for a job in Vermont then she started talking to University of Minnesota. So, not really taking Vermont seriously anymore...

Anyway, I'm not sure what to do with myself right now. These TV people are starting to scare me.