This is her:
This pic is from one of our first dates, we went for sushi. She had never been and it turned out she liked it a lot.
So anyway, on to all the juicy details you all want to know. We met at FHE in the singles ward of all places to meet someone. Truth be told, if she hadn't talked to me then I probably wouldn't have talked to her. I was to absorbed in my iPhone to notice anyone. Plus, she was hanging with a bunch of weirdos anyway; that's just the kind of sweet, loving, all inclusive person she is. She told me later that she didn't even know who half those people were, she was just was talking to them. Then she reached forward and talked to me, she invited me to sit with her and the weirdos. I didn't really want to, but I thought that she must not want to sit with them either and so I went and sat with her. The strange girl next to her wouldn't move so we had a weird girl sitting between us. But we managed to make conversation anyway. One interesting tidbit about our meeting: neither of us wanted to go to FHE that night. I don't know why I went and she went because her mother booted her out the door. She had sworn that if she didn't meet anyone that night then she wasn't going to go anymore.
She will deny this probably to her dying day, but it came time to leave so we exchanged phone numbers and left for home. Then she started to text me and basically told me to ask her out. She said, "You seem really fun, we should hang out sometime." I responded with, "That would be great! I would like that." Then she said, "Yeah, we definitely should hang out sometime, I would like that a lot." So I asked her out for that night. We met up again and I followed her to her house and we went on our first date. All we did was drive around on the 101 until we got to the 202. Then we took that to the 10 and back to the 101 and on around to her house again. It was a good fun car ride and we really enjoyed each others company. After I dropped her off we texted until I got home and went to bed. Bright and early the next morning we were texting again.
At first yes, they were quite standoffish from me, Shyanne I might even go so far as to say that she hated me at first. The first time she saw me she threw a fit, gave me the evil eye and knocked her little bike over. But like the cute little almost two year old that she is she quickly warmed up to me and now we are best buds!
We got engaged back in April. I took her on a picnic to Saguaro Ranch Park, she had never even heard of the Peacock Park! We had some sandwiches that I had made us for lunch. And I brought cupcakes for desert. My mom had helped me make the cupcake for her. We stuck the ring inside the cupcake after it was baked. We tied a ribbon around it so that she would have to pull it out, to prevent her from accidentally eating it.
She really is the perfect girl for me. And I am so happy I found her. Had it not been for both of us going to a church activity against our wishes, we might never had met. I don't know what I would do if that were the case. She means so much to me and makes me so happy. Everyday I look forward to seeing her bright smiling, loving face and she looks forward to seeing my ugly one (I don't know why). I can't give her enough kisses and she can't seem to get enough of them! There is no one else in this world that I would rather be with and I can't say enough about her. She is my favorite and on August 7th of this year we will be married. I look forward to that day with the greatest of anticipation. I can't wait to begin our life together. I love you baby!