I know this is beyond late, but I've been very occupied with other things! Anyway, I won a trip to the Bahamas last August and scheduled it for the beginning of April. We (Tyler and I) went from April 11 - 16. And we stayed at the Wyndham Nassau Resort. It's a very nice place and I highly reccomend it. While there we spent a lot of time sitting on the beach. Especially our first night, my luggage got lost and I was extremely ticked off about it. It wasn't brought up to our room until after midnight. I was so excited to take a shower and have clean clothes to put on! But we went down to Cable Beach while we waited for my bag. It was really a nice night, and I enjoyed getting my feet wet. It was kinda funny that we were hungry but the only place we could find that was open to eat at was a Dominos Pizza. So we had American food our first night in the Bahamas. Oh well.
The flight to the Island was a trip in itself. From Miami to Nassau we took a Propellor driven plane! It felt kinda rickety and was sorta scary, but we made it ok!
Before we went Tyler had been researching places to visit in the Bahamas and one of the places he really wanted to see was The Queens Staircase. We made our way to it while we were in town and it was there that we learned about "volunteer tour guides". This guy named John came out of nowhere and started telling us all about the stairs. It was really interesting information, so we didn't stop him, but after he was done thats when he started telling us about how he made his living off of tips. Fortunately we had $5 to give him, but after that we were wary of anyone that just started volunteering information. We didn't let it happen. We also learned that if we had been paying our way then it would be cheapest to stay at the hospital. For $30 you can stay 3 nights and get three square meals served to you. Sounds good to me! They said that people sometimes hurt themselves just so they can stay in the hospital.
Our third day in we went to the beach again and Tyler didn't use any sunscreen, he was glowing red by the time we got back into the hotel room!
One of the great things we discovered was a place called The Fish Fry. It's a whole bunch of restaurants all gathered into one place so we as tourists could just pick what we wanted to eat. We had been reccomended to eat at the Twin Brothers by a local we had asked so that's where we went. We both had a Snapper plate, his was fried and mine was steamed. It was amazingly good. Neither of us had eaten fish like that since we were in Brasil. You eat it by just picking it off the bones. Your fingers get really greasy so you need a ton of napkins, but holy cow it's so good that way. We also tried a dish called Conch Fritters. They were so good that I have been meaning to go to cooks.com and find the recipe there (first thing's first though, gotta make Peixe de Coco).
It was a really good trip and we had a ton of fun. I'm sorry this was so late, and I know I have veered from my online trading themed blog. I will do better with my posting. I will be taking more pictures and posting them on here and on facebook. As soon as I figure out what I'm doing with online trading then I will get that going on here as well.